Premium Orthotics, Braces and Compression Stockings Provider

Maple Leaf Orthotics is dedicated to offering relief from chronic or occasional foot, ankle discomfort, lower
back pain, and other problems by enabling you to live your best life pain-free. Our team is committed to
providing high-quality orthotics and assistance on your road to recovery.

Looking for orthotics?

At Maple Leaf Orthotics, we believe in well-rounded healthcare treatment. Orthotics can be an integral part of a comprehensive treatment or preventative plan. Orthotics are used to treat the following:

  • Correcting joint functionality in the ankle
  • Weak or unstable ankles or knees
  • Treating foot injuries or deformities
  • Mitigating future risk of injury

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Ask us about knee braces?

Keeping our joints healthy is important for maintaining our general health. Maple Leaf Orthotics is offering knee braces to keep you moving painlessly. We have a wide selection of braces and knee supports to choose from depending on your needs. Knee braces help to take pressure off your joints to relieve pain and provide support if you often experience knee buckling.

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Check out back braces?

For those living with chronic or occasional back pain, Maple Leaf Orthotics is offering back supports and braces to help you live your best life. Specially designed with the body’s natural
movements in mind, our back braces and supports provide effective pain relief, protection from further strain, and all-day comfort. Our back braces help to provide support for lower lumbar, upper back, and hips.

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Other braces

Body aches and pains often make going about our everyday routines much more difficult. If you are living with constant or intermittent body pains, there are solutions for you.

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Large selection of compression stockings

Compression stockings are used to help improve circulation in your legs by allowing your arteries to relax, letting your blood flow more freely. These specially-designed stockings are snug and stretchy in all the right places for maximum comfort. Those with circulation problems often experience progressive deterioration as time goes by, so early intervention is recommended.

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Maple Leaf Orthotic is a local company

Our team at Maple Leaf Orthotics specializes in result-driven orthotic care to help reduce and alleviate pain in the feet, ankles, lower back, and hips. We want to help you to achieve all of your mobility goals and give you the tools to live your life to its fullest.

With a wide variety of products to choose from, Maple Leaf Orthotics is sure to find a solution to your chronic or occasional aches and pains. If you’re unsure of the best course of treatment for you, our team of dedicated professionals will help you find the right product for your needs.